Voting Committee Member applications are Now CLOSEd
• Is between the ages of 13 to 23
• Is a resident of the City of Edmonton
• Encouraged to attend monthly committee meetings
• Vote at subcommittee meetings
• Make motions at subcommittee meetings
• Initiate, plan and execute project/policy work

A one-year term, is from September 1 to August 31, and you can re-register each year until the age of 23.
YAL Members are encouraged to take part in subcommittees of their choice, and lead initiative teams they are passionate about within that term.
You can join our team by filling out the Youth-At-Large (YAL) member registration below!
Deadline: Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
First meeting of the term: September 4th, 2024 at 5:30 PM

• Is between the ages of 13 to 23
• Is a resident of the City of Edmonton
• Selected and placed by the Chair and City Council through the application process
• Must attend monthly committee meetings
• Vote at subcommittee meetings
• Make motions at subcommittee meetings
• Initiate, plan and execute project/policy work

A 2-year term, is from September 1 to August 31 and is renewable for members to a maximum of six consecutive years, or to the age of 23.
City of Edmonton Volunteer Management practices include an annual evaluation of board/committee members [City Policy C575B] to determine reappointment.
Visit the City of Edmonton application page to apply
City of Edmonton Youth who are between the ages of 13 and 23 [Bylaw 14126]
Motivation and passion for volunteering, community development and bringing your vision and voice to the City.
Played an active role in making a positive difference within your local communities.
Capacity for curiosity and wanting to learn
Social Media management is an asset.
Team-oriented and willingness to provide feedback and guidance to others.
The ability to commit 15 – 20 Hours per month (for monthly Youth Council meetings and subcommittee meetings to perform research, public engagement and other activities)
Youth Council meets the first Wednesday of each month, from 5:30 – 8:00 pm online through google meets.
Individuals under the age of 18 may only participate with the express written consent of their legal guardian (City Policy C575)
Adherence to CEYC's bylaws.
Provide leadership, mentor ship and engagement opportunities to all general assembly and subcommittee members.
Commitment to the programs and services of CEYC.
Help communicate and promote CEYC's mission and programs to the community.
Regularly attend meetings and subcommittee meetings.
Be prepared and read all documents in advance of the meetings

Community and Public Services Committee of Council serves as the Selection Committee for the City of Edmonton Youth Council. The selection processes will take place in the following order, similar to years past:​​
June 9th, 2024 - Taleo Application Closes
TBD - Applicant Short Listing
TBD - Applicant Interviews
August 20, 2024 - Appointments made by City Council